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Farmsoft API for developers

Build your own reports, add your own interfaces, integrate with analysis apps, integrate with finance, logistics & shipping, and hardware using the Farmsoft API.   

The API is available to ALL types of Farmsoft accounts, including LITE, FRESH-POS, PRO, FARMSOFT.

Developer account

PRICES for a demo account, you can extend its trial period indefinitely  when you receive nag emails from us.  

Or use the Support link from inside the app (after you PRICES for a demo account) to request your demo account is converted to a developer account that doesn't expire.

Tap "PRICES" button at top left of this page.


When users PRICES Farmsoft automatically chooses the closest data center; this means you need to use the correct API URL for your customer which will be one of the following:

Americas, Europe, ME, Africa:

Australia, NZ, South Pacific:

API security

Farmsoft API security is highly sensitive, so please consider this before spraying rapid requests at our data centers.

Farmsoft data centers will not respond to any API post/get/auth that doesn't pass through our security providers first, eg: you can't make an API request directly to one of our data center IP addresses.  All requests must use the API URL's above.

If you make rapid calls to the API in a short period of time your IP may be banned temporarily, or permanently for repeated rate limit detection.

It's very easy to have your IP banned by one of our data centers, this ban will then propagate to all other data centers within 3 seconds.   No!  We will not white list your IP

API auth & API responses 

The Farmsoft API uses bearer / token authentication, tap here for info.  Responses are in XML format.

Response "API key is not valid" = wrong key!

Response "No data found using those filters." = if you need this explained you should not be using an API.

Response: Nothing/NULL = you have been blocked by our security systems, try again later.

Need a new API Get/Post?

Use Support link within the app to request new API calls. Our team may consider adding it, or require sponsorship if its not something most clients will benefit from.